Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sonique on Tomcraft - Another World

"I've been waiting all my life, to do what I'm doing now.."

I found this video among the many random videos downloaded over Usenet in recent years. As I usually do, I found myself seeing into deeper levels of meaning..

As is the case with many Euro dance tracks, the lyrics suggest the standard invitation to dance and romance, with the hopes of the transcendent consummation amidst the bliss of music. However the visuals suggested further references..

A black woman in black emerges from shell in a place that seemingly creates identical copies of the same white man in white. However this does not appear to be a racial allegory. From a gender perspective it shows a woman who at first is bound, watched, and controlled in a world of all men. She is pursued by them, becomes as strong as them, and soon returns to face and challenge them back in an act of conscious liberation.

According to a fan site the white tower, which they equated with the biblical Tower Of Babel, is a place that symbolizes the mainstream music industry. She is an independent music artist that does not fit in, but they pursue her to steal the essence of her talents. She becomes stronger after diving into the oceans of artistic freedom and reemerges to challenge all the conforming clones, who soon begin to dance in lockstep to the strength of her influence.

I would also have to concede there are many visual elements suggestive of the Matrix trilogy, as the video was released the year after Reloaded and Revolutions. The clones are reminiscent of the multiple copies of Agent Smith who Neo confronts as she also does. The multiple wall screens with scenes within scenes, also recalls when Neo meets "The Architect" of the Matrix.

The connection to The Matrix leads further into a Gnostic or spiritual interpretation. The human being inside of this world is suppressed, controlled, and watched over by the Archons. She singularly awakens to the point where she can understand and rise to a higher level, but they stand in her way as guardians to prevent her from accessing "another world" that she can now see clearly. She knows they want the divine spark within her that they don't have - her love and affections.. Her feminine spiritual strength that perhaps embodies the wisdom of the universe itself, as she is able to move between the worlds. She draws one of them down into the cubic world of mass we experience here, leaving streaking trails of double helix light in her path. She transforms them, then ultimately is able to lead them. More archons follow as she leads them down.. They have now become the fallen ones..

There are also strong allusions to the human abduction syndrome. Just like the classic grey aliens she notes that "everybody acts to same..looks the same, You have those eyes to see inside of me..." She clearly falls unconscious and is taken aboard a large technological ship-like structure. She is captured and bound to an examination table and closely scanned by a security camera probe. But even in this perspective, her spirit is released and rises to the level where she can come back to "another world" on her own terms..for which she has been waiting all her life to do.. Like the Archons the aliens stand at the threshold, but she can now transcend beyond them. After being captured, examined, perused, and then confronting them back, her dance now becomes coordinated movements of control of them. She can now stand above it all and has passed the test.

Tool - Prison Sex

"So sweet was your surrender, we have become one..."

She KNows

Imagine this
a chrysalis
silence is bliss
I am not there yet

a memory of darkness
silent footsteps
a shadow slipped
there's nothing left

where are you now?
you tore my world apart
dazzled by sky lights
but suffocated in paralysis
in my night blindness

I was taken and left

opened like the skies
I widened horizons
and exceeded expectations beyond conditions
opened like a wound
I bled with urgency
then clotted over memory

where am I?
the teeter totter
then the laundry room
I want to die
did I die too soon?
and what did eye become
you looked behind my I..
touched an optic nerve
ripped the womb
and I was born too soon

I have become detached
a perfect silent sentinel
I can't even remember hell
because heaven's here
in this egg pile where I hatched

and yet I stand tall
like a cater pillar
finally rise to the baseline
turned my back on the sacrifcial altar
let me be drawn to the light
and shatter through the filters
sent from above
she comes as I willed her

you see, she knows..

Tool - Prison Sex lyrics

It took so long to remember just what happened.
I was so young and vestal then,
you know it hurt me,
but I'm breathing so I guess I'm still alive
even if signs seem to tell me otherwise.
I've got my hands bound,
my head down, my eyes closed,
and my throat wide open.

Do unto others, what has been done to me,
Do unto others, what has been done to you?

I'm treading water,
I need to sleep a while.
My lamb and martyr, you look so precious.
Won't you come on up closer,
close enough so I can smell you.
I need you to feel this,
I can't stand to burn too long.
Release in sodomy.
Oh, for one sweet moment I am whole.

Do unto you now, what has been done to me,
Do unto you now, what has been done?

You're breathing so I guess you're still alive
even if signs seem to tell me otherwise.
Won't you come on a bit closer,
close enough so I can smell you.
I need you to feel this.
I need this to make me whole.
Release in sodomy.
For I am your witness and
blood and flesh can be trusted.
And only this one holy medium brings me peace of mind.

Got your hands bound, your head down,
your eyes closed.
You look so precious now.

( Show me something
Thought I could make it end
Thought I could wash the stains away
Thought I could break the circle if I
Slipped right into your skin
So sweet was your surrender
We have become one
I have become my terror
And you my precious lamb and martyr.) *

I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this
shit, blood, and cum on my hands.

I've...come...round...full circle.
My lamb and martyr, this will be over, soon.
You look so precious.
You look so precious, now,
You look so precious...